Course Topics
A. Introduce the concept of signals with time-domain, how to break-down a complex signal into
smaller signals, characterization (deterministic versus random), Fourier series (summation
concept), time representations versus frequency representations, why siusoidal.
B. Transition to networks with R, L, C components their interconnections and graph. Phasor
digram, concept of lag, lead, properties, sinusoidal response. Introduce impedance concept,
power-energy, RL, RC, RLC, network analysis, KCL, KVL, Thevenin's theorem, Millman's
theorem, Norton's theorem.
C. Transient and steady-state analysis, power concepts include reactive power, introduction
to power-factor correction, and then leading to concept of linearity. Discussion of cases
when linearity holds and when it doesn't apply, time invariance, one-port, two-port
characterization, linear systems and port relationships.
D. Transition from linearity to systems with a good example where the system is defined by
the input output relationship, introduce impulse response, transfer function, and the
concept of feedback.