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Computer Programming {CPro}

Computer Programming

This is a course where you learn to print "Hello World" as well as 3D Arrrays

ADVICE : Don't miss the Class; 'ELSE' You'll miss everything - Great Topics, FUN, and everything BEST of IIITH at once.

Professor : Suresh Purini (Associate Professor)

Ph.D (University of Maryland, USA)


Semester - 1

  • Credits : 5
  • Lectures : 3
  • Tutorial : 1
  • Practical : 3

Grading Scheme

Marks Distribution

- Quiz 1 : 2.5 (theory) + 5 (lab)
- Mid 1: 5 (theory) + 10 (lab)
- Quiz 2: 2.5 (theory) + 5 (lab)
- Final Exam: 10 (theory) + 25 (lab)
- Assignments: 35

Total: 100 marks

Grading Policy

A ≥ 85
A- ≥ 80
B ≥ 70
B- ≥ 60
C ≥ 50
C- ≥ 40
D ≥ 35
F < 35

System Requirements

System :

1. Ubuntu (>20.04 version) {Preferred}

2. Windows (10+)

3. MAC


1. GCC

2. MingW


1. VSCode {Preferred}


Programming Language ā€˜Cā€™ and programming: Basic Syntax and Semantics, Variables, Types, Expressions, Assignment statements, Conditional and Iterative Control Structures, Simple I/O, Functions and parameter passing, Strings and string processing, Pointers and References, Structures, Recursion.
Algorithm development: Techniques of problem solving, Stepwise Refinement, Simple numerical examples, algorithms for searching and sorting, merging order lists.
Examples taken from such areas as business applications involving data manipulation, and simulation involving games, Basic shell programming, Essential systems administration with shell scripting and elementary Python,Make files and automated builds.